Today is an uncertain journey as I attempt my first blog not really certain which direction I will take. Most likely I will use this site as a place to discuss various leadership and management issues with my focus audience being project managers. Although, as I have often said in my training classes, we are all project managers. Life itself is a project to be managed...or...left to chance. A well developed plan, goals and objectives, clear vision, and an understanding of your stakeholders is a good start for a successful project.
Yes I will talk about project management strategies, tool, and techniques. Within that realm I will address a number of elements critical to any project's success. Many of my discussions will revolve around leadership and management skills and challenges. I will address topics such as building relationships, effective communication, managing conflict, interest-based negotiations, and strategies to build strong teams. I will provide more details and topics in a future blog.
I also want to use this site to discuss purpose and passion. I have developed a course entitled "Discover Your Passion" and will be sharing bits and pieces to help those of you who are on your own journey to discover your passion and purpose in life. Some of you know what you are passionate about but perhaps have not been able to take it to the next step, whatever that might be.
Also on this site I want to talk about personal growth and development. I will introduce career planning tools and techniques to help with decision making, problem-solving, and idea generation.
So many possibilities...I should have plenty to write about. Well my cat is tugging on my arm right now and making it difficult to type. So I will close by saying I am looking forward to the journey and I hope I will have some people join me! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Strategies, tools, and techniques to help individuals and teams stretch and achieve greater results. Topics include leadership, best practices of project management, communication strategies, building high performing teams, enhancing stakeholder relationships, collaborative negotiations, managing conflict, personal growth and development. There will also be topics of interest to job seekers and others in transition; as well as for those driven to discover their passion and purpose.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement for Ahrend Coaching & Training: "To inspire and empower people to meet their challenges with confidence and to help people lead more meaningful lives through the development of their special talents and gifts."
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